Welcome To Fljótsdalsgrund
Upplifðu Austurland
Everyone says it, we mean it: there are endless possibilities in our area.
Waterfalls known, hidden and geothermal, more hiking options than anyone can count, opportunities for flora and fauna enthusiasts, stunning landscapes for photo and nature lovers… the East of Iceland is waiting for you!
And with cosy beds, friendly staff and a bar we are well equipped to help you recover from your adventures… and might have one or twelve recommendations for your next one 🙂
Við mælum með National Park, Hafrahvammagljúfur, Skriðuklaustur,

Breakfast For Explorers
Are you a fan of a light breakfast with fruits and cereals?
Or do you prefer a hearty breakfast with eggs and sausages?
However you want to start your day, our breakfast buffet has you covered and guarantees energy throughout the day so that you can enjoy your adventures to the fullest.
We use a variety of local products, self made jams and eggs from our own farm.
If you want vegan options, we of course offer that, too.
Breakfast is always included when you stay at our guest house.
Fljótsdalsgrund var byggð árið 2009 af Fljótsdalshreppi sem var eigandi bygginganna. Frá 2009 til 2023 var reksturinn leigður út og nú síðustu ár voru þær reknar undir nafninu Hengifoss Guesthouse af fjölskyldu í sveitinni. Árið 2023 keyptum við hjónin – Kjartan Benediktsson og Sólrún Júlía Hjartardóttir Kjerúlf eignirnar og hófum rekstur undir þeirra upphaflega og rétta nafni.
Við hlökkum til að taka á móti þér.